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ServiceNow’s executive content in EMEA was becoming disconnected from the company’s broader quarterly themes, and engagement levels were dwindling across the board. The general perception was that US-generated content was simply being translated into different languages.
Branch Road was asked to help change this while amplifying the presence and profile of ServiceNow’s key European leaders in their own countries. The project also needed to build confidence levels amongst the leadership team and bring them closer to ServiceNow’s comms department.
Working with ServiceNow’s EMEA president and comms lead, we crafted an overarching EMEA narrative that was connected to the company’s overall brand messaging but relevant to CXOs in Europe’s key countries.
From this, we generated bespoke narratives for each of the core EMEA leaders, specific to their areas of interest and local region. We then held exploratory calls with our execs to plan and develop quarterly content, which was produced by native writers from their own regions.
We are now generating regular content for our EMEA execs, produced and written in their own regions by native writers.
Engagement levels on LinkedIn have increased exponentially, and awareness of ServiceNow has grown. In one specific case, an exec saw more than a 50% increase in LinkedIn followers since the creation of regular articles for him.
It’s been widely cited by the execs we’ve worked with that they now have a clear and consistent voice that’s bespoke to their region but remains in line with the wider EMEA CXO narrative. The wider benefits include the impact this work has had on PR, with ServiceNow’s comms agencies now fully across the bespoke narrative for each executive.