11th January 2024

Webinar: Finding New Buyers – What Can ISVs Learn from Enterprise Tech?

Rebecca Mulgrave
Head of Integrated Comms

2023 has been a challenge for ISVs. Budgets are smaller, sales cycles are longer, and deals are harder to close.

But we’ve learned a lot from the companies we work with.

And in our webinar, “Finding New Buyers: What Can ISVs Learn from Enterprise Tech?”, we share all the wisdom we’ve gathered, so you can set yourself up for marketing success in 2024.

Watch to hear our experts answer:

  • What are the key lessons, best practices, and strategies that ISVs can learn from big tech?
  • How can I create content that my audience actually cares about, and what are the best ways to measure its ROI?
  • Why is an end-to-end approach essential to bridge the divide between marketing and sales, and what benefits does it offer?

Did you miss our previous ISV webinar?

Watch: How To Reach Salesforce Customers As An ISV

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